Personal finance management is becoming an important matter for everyone's life. You may be a student, newly employed person, new parents or at any other stage of your life, but your earning is fixed and you know that how much approximately you will earn in coming months. So it is always important to spend your money in a controlled way. Some people do this efficiently but for that, you need to have a systematic and disciplined life style. So sometimes you feel that it would be better if you have a personal finance management platform where you can manage your all earnings, investments, and expense. If you have ever felt that you need a personal finance management platform or app then this MyUniverse Review may help you. MyUniverse is India's leading personal finance platform by Aditya Birla Money. It is a tool which helps you to take a better financial decision.
My Universe requires Android 2.3 and up Size 10M
Pros: These are basically reasons or major benefits to install this app or subscribing to MyUniverse (40% discount on lifetime plan). You need to add your bank account, investment account on MyUniverse to avail the benefits of this MyUniverse platform. Once you add everything then you can get
Cons: This is the most tricky part what nobody discusses except the users. If you are a happy user then you may or may not write good review or comment. But if you are not happy with the services provided by any company then you must shout and leave your negative comment everywhere. So it is your job to understand the pros and cons of any service or product before purchasing. Let me summarize the cons of MyUniverse app.
Despite of some unhappy users, there are so many happy users of MyUniverse who are not complaining and enjoying the services offered by MyUniverse platform.
I hope that this MyUniverse Review will be helpful to all readers. If you are using MyUniverse app or any other platform then share your experience by leaving a comment here. Your comments will make it a complete MyUniverse Review.
MyUniverse Review
If you have ever used any personal finance app then you must know about benefits of such platform and issues of such app or platform to some extent.My Universe requires Android 2.3 and up Size 10M
Pros: These are basically reasons or major benefits to install this app or subscribing to MyUniverse (40% discount on lifetime plan). You need to add your bank account, investment account on MyUniverse to avail the benefits of this MyUniverse platform. Once you add everything then you can get
- Automatic expense analysis
- Complete investment tracking
- Record cash expenses by maintaining your expenses on my wallet section
- Customized recommendations, alerts, advice and notifications about your hard earned money
Cons: This is the most tricky part what nobody discusses except the users. If you are a happy user then you may or may not write good review or comment. But if you are not happy with the services provided by any company then you must shout and leave your negative comment everywhere. So it is your job to understand the pros and cons of any service or product before purchasing. Let me summarize the cons of MyUniverse app.
- Updating issue: Many users faced such issue and complaining that app is not updating in real time
- Expense categories: Some expense categories seems impractical to some users
- Investment issue: It redirects to another website instead of provisioning of investment through this app
- Login issue: Some users are complaining about login issue but sometimes it may be due to their phone's problem
Despite of some unhappy users, there are so many happy users of MyUniverse who are not complaining and enjoying the services offered by MyUniverse platform.
I hope that this MyUniverse Review will be helpful to all readers. If you are using MyUniverse app or any other platform then share your experience by leaving a comment here. Your comments will make it a complete MyUniverse Review.
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