Many investment advisers will advise you to start investing in a mutual fund as early as possible and invest in a mutual fund for a long time. SIP is a great way to invest in a mutual fund as you do not have to invest a lump sum amount in the mutual fund. You invest a small amount periodically which may protect you from market risk to some extent. There are also some tax planning funds where you can invest through SIP. Many investors invest through their agent by filling up forms. But why you will do so? Most of the full-service share brokers offer such facility where you can do so through their web portal.
Select Fund Category (ALL, ETF, Hybrid, Equity, Balance, Debt, Liquid, Fund of Funds, MIP, Others)
You need to login to your ICICIdirect trading portal and click on mutual fund option, then select SIP under transact. Once you click on SIP you can see the create SIP option as attached below. Now click on Create SIP.
Once you click on Create SIP, You will get the option to select fund. There are 4 things you have to choose. These are AMC name, Fund Category, Fund Sub Category, Fund Type.
Select Asset Management Company (AMC) from the drop down list.
Select Fund Category (ALL, ETF, Hybrid, Equity, Balance, Debt, Liquid, Fund of Funds, MIP, Others)
Select Fund Sub Category from the drop down list. Here if you select tax planning then you will get all the funds in which if you invest, you will get tax benefit on your taxable income.
Now you select Fund type (ALL, open ended, closed ended) and then you can see all the funds come in your selection. You have to select at-least AMC Name or Fund Category.
Now click on SIP. If you select Purchase then you can invest lump sum amount in that fund.
For lump sum purchase
Now fill all the details (frequency, period, start date, installment amount, auto renew option etc). You can ensure your investment by selecting Yes option. There is an option to select if you are assisted by an employee or agent. In such case, if you select Yes then you have to put employee/agent id.
So these are the simple steps to invest in SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) through ICICIdirect. Other full-service brokers also offer such facility. If you have a demat account with another broker then also this steps will help you to some extent.
For investing in SIP
For lump sum purchase
Now fill all the details (frequency, period, start date, installment amount, auto renew option etc). You can ensure your investment by selecting Yes option. There is an option to select if you are assisted by an employee or agent. In such case, if you select Yes then you have to put employee/agent id.
So these are the simple steps to invest in SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) through ICICIdirect. Other full-service brokers also offer such facility. If you have a demat account with another broker then also this steps will help you to some extent.
For investing in SIP
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